Calcutta high court on Wednesday refused to hear ex-parte Tata Motors' petition challenging the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act, 2011. Justice Saumitra Pal, while taking up the......
The Singur-Tata case on Thursday took a new turn, with the West Bengal government counsel saying they were agreeable to compensating Tata Motors according to the Land Acquisition Act rules.At the......
Taking exception to the reported remarks of a lawyer appearing for the West Bengal government, counsel for Tata Motors Limited refused to continue with their deposition in Calcutta high court on......
The Tata Motors Limited, which has challenged the Singur Land Development and Rehabilitation Act 2011, told Calcutta high court on Monday that land leased for the Nano car project at Singur was......
The West Bengal government on Thursday decided not to oppose the amendment application filed by Tata Motors to incorporate the late night events on June 21, the day the Singur Land Rehabilitation......