The accused in the sensational murder of 24-year-old IT professional Swathi on a railway platform allegedly committed suicide at the Puzhal Central prison in Chennai on Sunday, police said. "He......
Twenty six persons were injured, six of them seriously, when a state-owned Metropolitan Transport Corporation bus fell off a flyover in the heart of the city on Wednesday afternoon. The incident......
The Bharatiya Janata Party Monday demanded a time bound enquiry into the stampede at a city corporation school, in which 42 persons were killed, saying that only such a step would ensure that......
The accused in the murder of a female IT employee in Chennai, arrested last week and hospitalised in Tirunelveli after attempting suicide while being nabbed, was on Monday brought to the city......
The death toll in the collapse of a 11-storied under-construction residential building has touched 47 and 27 persons have so far been rescued. "As of now, the total number of dead are 47 and......