The Delhi high court on Tuesday asked the Centre to consider objections raised by stakeholders on a fresh draft notification before imposing a ban on sale and breeding of several breeds of......
'This is a historic juncture when the US is in great need of an alliance with India to strengthen its hands in the fierce struggle with China in the Asian theatre,' points out Ambassador M K......
Not only army personnel but Indian Army's canine 'soldiers' perform their duties in counter-insurgency operations. IMAGE: Sandy, a rottweiler on the prowl of militants with his uniformed......
For Captain Pawan Kumar, a Jat and a Jawaharlal Nehru University degree holder, all that mattered was love for the country and not calls of “azadi"” on the campus or reservation demand......
A two-year-old canine quadruple amputee is amazingly back on his feet, becoming only the second dog ever known to have four prosthetic limbs. Sasha Foster, CSU certified canine......
Breeders and importers of exotic dogs worried; animal rights activists say the industry needs to be tamed. IMAGE: People for Animals volunteers at an event in Bhubaneswar, October 30, 2022, to......
Now that the crowds have gone home, Anna Hazare is back in Ralegan Siddhi, and the TV Rottweilers are looking for other ways to boost their rating points, we can have a rational debate about not......
The welter of confusing pulls and pushes on India's political economy makes finding the way forward really difficult. The government apparently cannot sustain economic reform initiatives, and......
So its not only the growing Indian middle class that the foreign petcare companies are targetting to sell their merchandise. With Indians willing to pamper their pets, foreign brands are making a......
Sorry, but I've never been a big fan of Wal-Mart's business practices. I love the stores--they're the first place I go when I run out of glue and kitty litter--and I even owned the stock some years......
Entertainment is best when it isn’t trying to force laughs out of us with its desperate attempts at wit, says Sukanya Verma. Akshay Kumar’s new movie, Entertainment revolves around......
Love In Bombay is a piece of history, a fragment of a time that was. Letting us gaze at it is a great idea. Expecting it to compete with films shot six months ago, on the other hand, is dead......
The Reluctant Fundamentalist has its cinematic moments but is too simplistic in places, Vaihayasi Pande Daniel writes.Do you know what a janissary is? Before you head out to see the new Mira Nair......
I scare easy. Ridiculously easy. I flinch audibly when I watch Exorcist III, The Shining keeps me awake all night every time I watch it, and Rosemary's Baby is single-handedly responsible for much......
If anyone had believed her, Lindsay Davenport should have packed away her racket for good by now and consigned her career to the annals of tennis history.Twelve months ago, the 1999 Wimbledon......