Indian-American Vikram Singh has been appointed to a key Pentagon position to look after entire South and Southeast Asia."Vikram J Singh has been appointed to the senior executive service and is......
Weeks after offering to sell its F-35 fifth generation fighter jets, the United States on Wednesday said it was open to work with India on joint development of a ballistic missile shield. The offer......
The offer of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to India is an example that US holds India's military modernisation in high regard, a top Pentagon official has said. "What's clear is that the......
United States Defence Secretary Leon Panetta, who places much importance to America's relationship with India, is looking forward to his maiden visit to India in his capacity as head of the......
Vikram J Singh, who was the senior defense adviser to Richard Holbrooke, the erstwhile United States special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, has been appointed to a key Pentagon post......