Union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has shared photos of how the New Delhi Railway Station will look like in the future. Photograph: @PiyushGoyal/Twitter Posting photos on Twitter, Piyush Goyal......
Two protected monuments, Ajmeri Gate and tomb of Ghaziuddin Khan, interrupt redevelopment. The past appears to have interrupted the future of the New Delhi Railway Station (NDLS). With two......
The Rail Land Development Authority has invited online bids from private players to redevelop the station into an integrated commercial, retail, and hospitality hub. At least 20 national and......
Fifteen stations might be taken up in the first stage with an investment of Rs 6,000-7,000 crore. The Ministry of Railways is set to approach the Cabinet in January to overhaul the Rs 1-lakh-crore......
Indian Railways under Piyush Goyal has chalked out a new plan for station redevelopment. Railway stations in 15 cities may soon offer residential apartments. Railway stations in 15 cities could......
Clearing bottlenecks in transfer of Government land, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today approved relaxations in the land transfer policy, which would also remove any delays in awarding concessions......