The Bombay high court on Friday said the death of Anuj Thapan, an accused in the case pertaining to firing outside actor Salman Khan's residence, does not appear to be a custodial death. IMAGE:......
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday handed over keys of houses built on land freed from the 'illegal' possession of slain gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmad under the Pradhan......
Addressing an election meeting on what once was the home turf of slain gangster-politician Atiq Ahmed, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday appeared to invoke nature as a great......
In a rare gesture, a government official has been single-handedly raising funds to help the family of a man who was killed in police firing during the panchayat polls in Bihar.Jagdish Kumar, a sub......
The mid-day meal tragedy has sparked a blame game with the Bihar government on Friday refuting Centre's contention of having sent alerts to 12 districts including Saran, where 23 children died......
LIC contested the insurance claim. Consumer activist Jehangir B Gai tells you how this claim was won. Penti Surender held 10 life insurance policies issued by the Life Insurance Corporation of......
Every Vijay movie has created buzz in the Telugu film industry. The Pokkiri star's Villu -- produced by Ayngaran Internationaland co-starring Nayanthara -- is much anticipated among his fans.......
Kanthaswamy, the Tamil movie produced by V Creations and directed by Susi Ganesan, has super hero Chiyan Vikram and Shriya in the lead. With pop-up figures and a push-flap that ejects CD and......