The Bush administration on Tuesday made it clear to the United States Congress that it has no intention of supporting the call for a United Nations investigation into the assassination of former......
C K Prahalad,India-born management guru and academician, has been voted the world's most influential living management thinker ahead of hands-on managers like Bill Gates, Alan Greenspan and Richard......
Everyone can use some career advice, regardless of age or professional title. And there's no shortage of career- and job-related books available to help you do everything from finding a new job to......
Four Indians figure amongst the world's top 50 management gurus, according to The Thinkers 50 2005 -- a ranking by the European Foundation for Management Development.The four Indians on the elite......
Of CEOs' nicknames Who was called 'Neutron Jack'?Take the Rediff Business Quiz and find out how much you know about the CEOs and their nicknames.Biz Quiz is best viewed in Internet Explorer (IE)......
Could Renault and Nissan have a competitor in their effort to form an alliance with General Motors? Top executives at Toyota Motor are mulling their own overture to GM to head off rival Nissan from......
A recently conducted poll has come up with 10 Hollywood actresses with the most coveted bikini bodies. Topping the list is Raquel Welch, followed by Kim Kardashian. 'Despite a 40-year age......
A gas barbecue caught fire and exploded on Wednesday night at New Zealand's Olympic hospitality centre, forcing the evacuation of some 300 people. Firefighters said no one was injured during the......