Sebi on Tuesday sent a notice to 7 entities, including Malvinder and Shivinder Mohan Singh, asking them to pay Rs 48.15 crore within 15 days in a fund diversion case of Religare Finvest.......
LVB had faced some serious flak in terms of bad loans, earnings and credit rating downgrades, since 2016. Capital markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is examining......
PNB has rich experience in the integration of commercial banks. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is learnt to have told state-owned Punjab National Bank to get ready to take over Lakshmi Vilas Bank......
The previous board of Fortis Healthcare had links with Singh brothers and there was an investigation by law firm Luthra and Luthra into Rs 472 crore that was diverted into other companies. Fortis......
From Ranbaxy to Religare, Aashish Aryan takes you through a maze of legal cases involving Malvinder Mohan Singh and his younger brother Shivinder Mohan Singh. Both are in police custody following a......