Amid Vedic chants, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a large 'shivaling' covered in strands of sacred red threads placed below the grand gateway -- Nandi Dwar -- of 'Mahakal Lok' to mark the......
Following is the trascriptof President Pratibha Patil's address to the joint sittingof Parliament on Thursday.Honourable Members, I convey my good wishes to you and to all our people. On behalf of......
The World Bank will be roped in for the ambitious Rs 174,000 crore (Rs 1,740 billion) Bharat Nirman programme for developing rural infrastructure, with the government seeking a $1 billion loan from......
Noting that inadequate and sub-optimal pricing of power and water are promoting misuse of groundwater, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday stressed on the need to move towards participatory......
A legal tussle is currently on between a civil society group led by a professor, ostensibly working to further public interest, on the one hand, and the state government and an influential but......
We need a master plan to increase our water storage capacity, improve irrigation facilities and create water networks across the country that links the draught prone with those experiencing floods,......
I must confess that I am writing this piece on All Fools' Day. Lest the reader ends up with a mistaken belief, at the outset, a caveat would be in order. This piece is about the budgetary......