Anil Ambani Group firm Reliance Power said on Thursday it has tied up finances for its Rs 17,500-crore (Rs 175 billion) ultra mega power project at Krishnapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. The 4,000 MW......
Reliance Power’s latest setback from the central power regulator, which rejected its rate increase petition, comes when it has no one at the helm. It has been over three months since J P......
Anil Ambani Group firm Reliance Power has chalked out an ambitious plan to invest about Rs 80,000 crore (Rs 800 billion) in the next three years for creating 20,000 MW of thermal power generation......
The waters in the Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) D6 gas block in the Krishna Godavari basin got murkier on Wednesday with the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) denying that it had......
Anil Ambani group firm Reliance Power Ltd on Friday claimed that the Allahabad High Court has not set aside land acquisition for its proposed gas-fired power plant at Dadri in Uttar Pradesh. The......