Aam Aadmi Party on Sunday released its first list of 20 candidates for Lok Sabha elections, pitting Kumar Vishwas from Amethi, Rahul Gandhi's seat, and former banker Meera Sanyal and social......
In the wake of the Supreme Court order staying the registration of FIRs, ongoing probes and coercive measures under the sedition law, all eyes will be on the fate of several high-profile cases......
India is looking for a VSHORAD system to replace its ageing system from Russia and would be sourcing more than 5000 missiles and 1200 launchers, reports Gireesh Babu. The new generation......
A proposed acquisition by global banking giant HSBC of another UK-based bank RBS' Indian retail and commercial banking business has failed to fructify, as the transaction deadline expired on Friday......
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporationon Friday announced it will acquire the Indian business of Royal Bank of Scotland worth $1.8 billion, a move that will help the British giant gain......
Royal Bank of Scotland said it had started the process of consolidating its retail and commercial banking business in India and would close 23 of its 31 branches across the country. The process is......
A survey of CEOs shows corporate India is unsure about the party’s ideology, with some feeling its left-of-the-centre politics can be detrimental in the long run. There are a lot of takers......
Kolhapur-based Ratnakar Bank on Friday said it had agreed to buy Royal Bank of Scotland’s (RBS’) business banking, credit cards and mortgage portfolios in India. The private lender did......