Bihar lawmaker and Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav threw paper confetti at Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan on Friday when she refused to entertain his request for......
Controversial Rashtriya Janata Dal MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav on Thursday was expelled from the party for six years over anti-party activities. RJD state president Ramchandra Purve said......
The Indian Medical Association has condemned Rashtriya Janata Dal MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav’s drive against doctors accusing them of charging "exorbitant" fees.......
Former MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav, who recently joined the Congress, on Wednesday seemed adamant about throwing his hat in the ring for Bihar's Purnea Lok Sabha seat, where ally Rashtriya......
A Patna court on Thursday awarded life imprisonment to Rashtriya Janata Dal Member of Parliament Pappu Yadav and former Member of Legislative Assembly Rajan Tiwari for the murder of Communist Party......
'Where do you leave a boy like Hiten, whose parents are not heavyweight politicians? He scores runs and someone's parent just writes a letter that he is fit, doesn't play a match and is in the......