Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday said the report of Ranganath Misra Committee, which went into the issue of reservation for minorities, will be placed in the Parliament during this......
Asserting that decision to earmark 4.5 per cent sub-quota for minorities in government jobs was not a "lolly pop" to gain votes in Uttar Pradesh, Minority Affairs Minister Salman Kurshid said the......
The reports of Sachar and Ranganath Misra committees on minority welfare on Thursday generated heat in the Lok Sabha, with RJD chief Lalu Prasad and his SP counterpart Mulayam Singh Yadav charging......
Given what happened in the Rajya Sabha for passing the Women's Reservation Bill, the United Progressive Alliance government would rather wait a bit before pushing it in the Lok Sabha. The reason:......
Rajya Sabha was adjourned thrice during Question Hour over separate issues, including the Liberhan Report and the alleged multi-crore scam involving former Jharkhand Chief Minister Madhu Koda. The......
Click here for moreSourav NiyogiWithout the Bengal tiger India seemed like headless chickens on the Kotla.....Ex cricketers and irresponsible media contributed to India's downfall.. once again it......