Central Bank of India said on Tuesday it has an exposure of Rs 49 crore (Rs 490 million) to Raju-family owned Maytas and is 'willing' to lend to Satyam Computer Services if the company approaches......
If 2009 was a year when three of the country's largest private sector financial services groups saw new faces at the top, next year could see over a dozen new faces lead state-owned financial......
The government on Wednesday approved 20 senior-level appointments in public sector banks. While the appointments for the post of chairman and managing directorwere announced for Canara Bank,......
The government is finalising appointment of at least nine public sector bank chiefs and a dozen executive directors who would replace them or fill existing vacancies. RM Malla is set to move as......
Amidst high food inflation, falling industry output and uncertain crude oil prices, the Reserve Bank is likely to raise key policy rates by 25 basis points in its mid-quarterly review tomorrow, say......