The National Investigation Agency says that with the arrest of Rajendra Chowdhary the probe in the Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and Ajmer blasts is almost complete. Vicky Nanjappa reportsThe......
In an interesting move the Mumbai Anti-Terrotist Squad filed a 305 page chargesheet against Praveen Muthalik in theMalegaon blastscase. This chargesheet is significant, since it comes at a time......
The investigations into the Malegaon blasts are inching towards a close following the nabbing of Abhinav Bharat and the Sri Ram Sena member Praveen Muthalik by the Anti-Terrorist Squad. Initial......
The federal probe agency has wrapped up only one terror case since its inception in 2009. Vicky Nanjappa reports It has been five years since the National Investigation Agency was set up and......
The National Investigation Agency appears to be making progress in the Samjhauta Express blasts case. The arrest of Indore-based Kamal Chouhan, who is alleged to be one of the persons who planted......