The Bombay High Court on Friday upheld a lower court's order discharging former Mumbai police commissioner Ram Deo Tyagi and eight others, but observed that the firing in Suleiman Bakery by the......
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad on Thursday came out in support of Mumbai police Assistant Inspector Sachin Vaze, who was arrested in connection with the alleged custodial death of Sayed Khwaja Yunus, an......
He made light of the Ganga being declared a "living entity", debated Bharatiya Janata Party's promise of building a Ram Mandir and wondered why the Centre was not withdrawing the Haj subsidy given......
'No one talks about the Mumbai riots anymore, though like Delhi 1984, the guilty have not been punished. In Gujarat, many powerful leaders of the state's ruling party are in jail for their role in......
The entry scene is star. Things are off to a good start when a lead movie character appears for the first time against strategic music or swaggering drama and the audience bursts into wholehearted......