Veteran actress Shabana Azmi has been roped in to play Sonam Kapoor's mother in adman Ram Madhvani's second feature film Neerja. While the 29-year-old actress is playing the titular character in......
'Naidusaab is the last of the movie moghuls,' Anil Kapoor tells Subhash K Jha. Anil Kapoor has worked in four of D Ramanaidu’s Hindi productions: Insaaf Ki Awaaz, Rakhwala, Jeevan Ek......
Veteran Telugu film producer Dr Daggubbati Ramanaidu passed away into the ages on February 18. In an interview he had granted in September 2010, he tells us how he started making......
'I find it hard to watch my own films. I prefer to watch my face when it is covered with some facial hair.' 'I like certain moments in my films. Most of them are in Lootera.' Ranveer Singh......
Moon-faced and lithe, Leena Chandavarkar could convey the heart-stopping beauty and fragility of a Dresden China doll, especially in her earlier films. Leena never graduated to the......