In an embarrassment to President Pratibha Patil, a revenue court in Amravati has ordered that the names of her relatives, including her husband Devisingh Shekhawat, be deleted from the title of a......
Rajinder Shekhawat, son of President Pratibha Patil and Congress MLA, on Wednesday denied his family had been accused of land-grabbing in Maharashtra. "The order of subdivisional officer was that a......
President Pratibha Patil's son, Rajinder Shekhawat, who is the official Congress candidate from Amravati, is learnt to have put in a unlikely request for Congress President Sonia Gandhi to campaign......
President Pratibha Patil's son Rajinder Shekhawat, who was given the Congress ticket for the Maharashtra Assembly polls raising eyebrows, today rejected allegations his mother played a role and......
Ajit Doval is now India's all-powerful security boss.This concentration of power disrupts our layered security system.Will it not weaken whatever remains of the power and authority of the home,......