Popular Kannada actor Ramesh Aravind’s latest fun film Mangana Kaili Manikya (A jewel in the hands of a monkey) is ready for release. Eminent Kannada theatre person Rajendra Karanth, who has......
Srikanth Srinivasa feels Ganesh and Manjari exude freshness in Munjaane.The Kannada film Munjaane is about a 'difficult' love story. So difficult, in fact, that the heroine does not look at the......
Srikanth Srinivasa feels that Kannada film Nam Anna Don is an enjoyable watch.Kannada actor Ramesh Aravind, who has made some rib-tickling comedies in the past, has kept it plain and simple with......
Cheluvina Chilipili is a neatly presented Kannada film that deals withteenagelovers and their confused outlook towards education and love. It is also a message oriented film for both parents and......
Actor/choreographer turned film director, Harsha writes a conventional script forthe Kannada film Birugaali.The film features young Chethan who made a big splash in last year's hit Aa Dinagalu, in......