The Canada-based Research In Motion on Tuesday launched a BlackBerry mobile phone priced at Rs 15,990 in India targetting young professionals and students. The handset, BlackBerry Curve 8520, would......
Average data usage on Airtel India network grew about three fold to 2611 megabyte (about 2.5 GB) per customer from 904 MB on YoY basis. But the average revenue from the data services per customer......
Reasserting its emotional connect with consumers -- something that is at the core of its brand philosophy --, Bharti Airtel last week rolled out a new plan called Special 5 for all its 100 million......
Taiwanese handset maker HTC launched a handset based on Google's operating system software Android for mobiles and other wireless devices in India on Tuesday in partnership with telecom operator......
The value-added services sector is expected to touch Rs 9,760 crore (Rs 97.6 billion)by end June. Telecom operators in India appear to be gung-ho over the prospects of value-added services which......