A sub inspector of the Meghalaya police was suspended on Tuesday on the charge of dereliction of duty in connection with the escape of three Pakistani terrorists from New Delhi. D M Singh, who was......
Security has been beefed up across Gujarat as a precautionary measure after a woman claimed that she had seen the three Pakistani terrorists, who had escaped from Delhi on Friday, at a temple in......
Heads are expected to roll in Delhi Police following the escape of three Pakistani terrorists, arrested in connection with blasts near the Red Fort nine years ago, from police custody. Sources in......
A reward of Rs 50,000 wasannounced on Sundayby the Delhi Police for anyone providing information on the three Pakistani terrorists who escaped while being escorted to a city hospital. They also......
Three Pakistani nationals, who were arrested in connection with blasts near the Red Fort nine years ago, have escaped, leaving red-faced the authorities which sounded a red alert in the national......
His mask draws inspiration from Catwoman and Ajooba. His muscles ripple out and about like Achilles (read Brad Pitt) of Troy.He poses against the dark, sinister moon in a black trenchcoat like Kate......