Telugu writer Dr Ravuri Bharadwaja and Oriya novelist Pratibha Ray were on Wednesday selected for the prestigious Jnanpith award for the year 2011 and 2012. Bharadwaja, 86, who has to his credit......
'Not for the first time during this festival I was struck by the atmosphere of friendly inclusion the organisers had managed in a city where you can smell menace in the air, thanks to Adityanath's......
Which publishing house but The Times Group could flaunt, on its staff, 'Raman, Laxman and Bharatan' -- in that order? If that sounds a lark, then the intellectual confrontation between Qurratulain......
'Manto is the only writer to grasp what the project of Pakistan would eventually mean,' says Aakar Patel, who has translated a collection of Saadat Hasan Manto's essays in a just-released book Why......
'Pre-Partition India wasn't as hunk-dory as we talk about; Hindus and Muslims lived in harmony, sure, but never as miyan-biwi (husband-wife)' 'Unrequited love is very good for a......