I am a true labourer; I earn that I eat, get that I wear; owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness; glad of other men's good, content with my harm. -- Shakespeare, As You Like It. We do not know......
National award winning director Priyanandanan is ready with his next Malayalam film, Bhaktajanangalude Sradhakku, starring Kavya Madhavan and Irshad. The story is written by writer-director......
It has been an interesting year for the Malayalam film industry. Even as younger directors emerge from the shadows, the veterans are still active. In a year that saw great films......
In an industry where the heroes rule the screens and the heroines just have to dance to their tunes, it is never easy to select five top performances from female actors. Still, there were a few......
Kavya Madhavan captured the hearts of Malayali film-goers as a child artist. She has been part of several hits since then and is being offered good roles recently after her performance in films......
Get your low down on what's happening in the world of Malayalam cinema, right here! Sreenivasan and Kavya Madhavan will play the lead in director Kamal's forthcoming film titled Gadhaama. The......