At the in-camera joint session of Pakistan parliament, Inter Services Intelligence chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha admitted to intelligence failure in the wake of US raid on Osama bin Laden's hideout, but......
It is time to talk to Pakistan and restart the stalled composite dialogue process, says strategic expert B Raman. Since the beginning of this week, the government of India has initiated two moves......
Freezing or calling off the re-engagement process in the wake of Tahawwur Hussain Rana's confession on 26/11 will be an easy option, but that will take both India and Pakistan back into......
We must take note of the feelings of hurt and bitterness coming out of Pakistan after the World Cup semi-final loss to India. But we should not allow these to create self-doubts in our mind about......
To visit Lahore in November, even in fulfilment of a religious obligation, could be seen as an act of disrespect to the memories of the over 160 innocent civilians and members of the security......