Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said many railway stations in the country are rich in history and urged people to visit such stations in their vicinity to know about their significance in......
"… The conspiracy to murder Mahatma Gandhi was not the handiwork of a lone wolf or a few fanatic members of the Hindu Mahasabha. Most importantly, it was not conceived just a few weeks......
Vedanta's problems with the government show no signs of an early resolution.The mining ministry's inordinate delay in giving approval to group firm Hindustan Zinc to buy London-based Anglo......
The sudden surge in raw material prices has forced steel companies abroad to raise prices considerably but Indian counterparts have been unable to do so at such a pace.This has eroded the premium......
In a surprise development that has left industry watchers guessing, Virgin Island-headquartered coal mining company CIC Energy Corporation on Wednesday announced that it had received a takeover......
For Indian steel companies, the present may not be perfect, but the future isn't that tense either. A scenario that prompted Ratan Tata to announce at the Tata Steel annual general meeting last......
Tata Steel, the world's sixth largest steelmaker, has prepared a plan to produce half the iron ore and coking coal - the raw materials used to make steel - for Corus, its European subsidiary, by......