The Bangalore police have obtained the custody of Buela Sam, the lady from Gujarat who tried to enterthe Indian Space Research Organisationon a fake identification card. The police custody was......
The Bangalore police have in their custody an important member of the Indian Mujahideen, Kamal Hasan. Hasan who is allegedly involved in the Chinnaswamy cricket stadium blast was brought down to......
A diary maintained by forest brigand Veerappan, which could throw light on a saga of murders, kidnappings and extortion, was recovered from the scene of last week's encounter in Dharmapuri district......
Bangalore Police Commissioner Jyoti Prakash Mirji has requested the media to exercise restraint while reporting the issue pertaining to the assassination plot. Speaking to editors of various media......
The newly-busted terror module which was allegedly planning a spate of assassinations in various parts of the country was inspired by Anwar Alwaki, the deceased leader of the Al Qaeda.......