The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in Jharkhand faced embarrassment on Thursday when their candidate S S Ahluwalia lost the Rajya Sabha elections, which was held afresh after being countermanded......
Independent candidate Anshuman Mishra withdrew his nomination for the Rajya Sabha elections from Jharkhand on the last date of withdrawal on Thursday. One of his proposers, Bharatiya Janata Party......
Jharkhand Chief Minister Shibu Soren will have to face a united and determined Opposition when he decides to contest a by-election to become a member of the Legislative Assembly, as all Opposition......
The United Progressive Alliance ministry in Jharkhand, led by Madhu Koda, on Wednesday won the vote of confidence 41-1 with the lone CPI-ML MLA voting against the motion while opposition National......
The money play in Jharkhand in the Rajya Sabha elections appears to be destabilising the Bharatiya Janata Party-led government, with its ally Jharkhand Mukti Morcha even threatening to pull it down......