Reliance Industries on Wednesday said it has begun implementation of world-scale polyester projects in Gujarat. Reliance plans to set up."2.3 million tons of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) plant......
Reliance Industries has closed five of its seven polyester and petrochemical units at Patalganga near Mumbai soonafter offering exit option to employees, said sources close to the development. The......
These are Apollo Fibres, Central India Polyester, India Polyfibres, Orissa Polyfibres, Recron Synthetics and Silvassa Industries. The IPCL board, which approved the merger, also recommended swap......
Indian Oil Corporation is setting up a Rs 11,000-crore (Rs 110 billion) "petrochemical hub" at Panipat, Haryana. The project will use naphtha as feedstock. It will comprise associated units and......
Century Enka, the Rs 1,123 crore (Rs 11.23 billion) joint venture between the Acordis group and the BK Birla group, plans to launch a buyback programme exclusively for its non-resident......