Bharatiya Janata Party's Sandeshkhali leader Gangadhar Koyal on Friday moved the Calcutta high court, claiming that technology-aided videos mimicking his voice were being circulated in a bid to......
Data says 774 government websites have reportedly been hacked in the last five years, reports Piyali Mandal. Even as the number of internet users continues to rise and the government......
Even as the number of internet users continues to rise and the government increasingly seeks to offer citizen-centric services through the internet, data show about half the government departments......
Despite logging a 13.3 per cent growth in revenue during the six months ended September 30, Vodafone India is yet to turn profitable.With improved operational efficiencies and regulatory......
In 2008, HCL Technologies acquired United Kingdom-based consulting firm Axon, in what was the largest acquisition by an Indian IT company.HCL Axon President Steve Cardell, who was earlier the Axon......
Earlier this month, with her accession as the new managing director of IBM India, Vanitha Narayanan joined the ranks of a handful of women chiefs in the country who head a technology......
After spending 20 years at HCL Technologies and heading various service lines, Anant Gupta on Thursday assumed the role of president and chief executive officer.Gupta, who will succeed Vineet......
Denying the allegation that delay in getting a green nod is holding up road projects, environment minister Jayanthi Natarajan on Tuesday said there was no delay 'even for a day' in granting......