I am a true labourer; I earn that I eat, get that I wear; owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness; glad of other men's good, content with my harm. -- Shakespeare, As You Like It. We do not know......
It's quite possible to pay only very little, even zero, tax by selecting a careful mix of fixed income investments. Earlier the Income Tax Act contained Section 80L under which interest income from......
Unlimited income, zero tax. That's right... That's the magic of long-term capital gain from equity shares. Noted investment expert, N J Yasaswy suggests two approaches to profit from this tax......
If you are an earning member of your family, and there are members of your family who are financially dependant on you, you need life insurance. But how much life insurance do you need? There are......
The fact is that you cannot get rich without taking risks. Risks and rewards go hand in hand; and, typically, higher the risk you take, higher the returns you can expect. In fact, the first major......