A Hindi film has been nominated for the Oscars. Kavi, directed-produced-written by Gregg Helvey (Overexposed), has been nominated in "Short Film" (Live Action) category of 82nd Academy Awards. It......
The nominations for the 82nd Annual Academy Awards have been announced, and some of our predictions by Aseem Chhabra, Arthur J Pais and Raja Sendid come true! Here's a look at the nominations:......
The 82nd Annual Academy Awards have been announced. There were quite a few surprises and many more expected nods. Here's a quick glance at the winners, listed in bold: Best Picture AvatarJames......
The 82nd Annual Academy Awards have been announced. There were quite a few surprises and many more expected nods. Here's a quick glance at the winners, listed in bold: Best Picture AvatarJames......