RBI Deputy Governor Subir Gokarn says credit-deposit growth mismatch for a longer period could put pressure on liquidity. He speaks to Parnika Sokhi and Abhijit Lele after the first quarter review......
Reserve Bank of India deputy governor Shyamala Gopinath retired on Monday after 39 years of service at the central bank.In an interview with Parnika Sokhi and Manojit Saha, she talks about the......
Kolkata-based United Bank of India is hopeful of healthy growth in advances in the next financial year despite interest rate hardening. The bank has improved its low cost deposit share which in......
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is largely expected to announce liquidity easing measures in the second quarter review of monetary and credit policy on Tuesday, a poll of 21 market participants......
Standard & Poor's on Wednesday lowered the stand-alone credit profile of two government-owned lenders- the State Bank of India and Union Bank of India citing concerns over their asset quality and......