The Delhi police special cell has questioned about 25 journalists and contributors of NewsClick for a second time in connection with a UAPA case registered against the online news portal for......
The Delhi police's special cell on Friday questioned at least eight journalists and contributors to the NewsClick for a second time in a week in connection with its case under the Unlawful......
NewsClick founder Prabir Purkayastha and HR head Amit Chakravarty, arrested in a case filed under the anti-terror law UAPA following allegations the portal received money for pro-China propaganda,......
As Delhi police raided different premises linked to NewsClick on Tuesday, sources informed that the special cell of the Delhi police held a late-night meeting on Tuesday. Kindly note that this......
As the Delhi police continue to raid different premises linked to NewsClick, a team reached Communist Party of India-Marxist General Secretary Sitaram Yechury's residence on Tuesday morning to......
Advertorial: Selling News or Products?, a documentary film directed by journalist and academic Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and produced by the Public Service Broadcasting Trust, looks at......
The Supreme Court on Tuesday directed the Special Investigation Team on black money to look into a fresh plea seeking a probe into the recent Bank of Baroda scam case. A three judge bench......
The Satyam case highlights how a sluggish judicial process has thwarted the efforts of a government authority to attach financial assets of a scam-tainted corporate entity, says Paranjoy Guha......
While BAPL's bosses suggest that this project will help build a community of residents, there are allegations that this is actually a real estate project masquerading as an airport, point......
In more ways than one, the ambitious project of Bengal Aerotropolis Projects Limited to set up India’s first airport-cum-metropolis has developed fault-lines that typically inflict major......
With its cocktail of celebrities and cheerleaders, the Indian Premier League's dizzy rise to become cricket's richest tournament is under threat, illustrating how politics and business don't mix. A......