At a function held in Mumbai, three beauties were crowned Miss India. Vanya Mishra, a 19-year-old student from Chandigarh, Prachi Mishra, a 24-year-old investment advisor from Allahabad and......
Vijay is the name of the character that Amitabh Bachhan has played in many of his movies. In most cases, Vijay belonged to the underprivileged class. It's a curious coincidence that the megastar......
After having been crowned winners of the beauty pageant, Pantaloon Femina Miss India World 2007 Sarah Jane Dias (centre), Miss India Universe 2007 Puja Gupta (right) and Miss India Earth 2007......
Pantaloons Femina Miss India World 2007 Sarah Jane Dias is all set to represent India at the beauty pageant that will be held on December 1 in China. For the former veejay born inMumbai andbrought......