Kerala's Director General of Police PK Hormese Tharakan was on Tuesday appointed chief ofResearch and Analysis Wing, the country's external intelligence agency.Tharakan will succeed C D Sahay, who......
The country's external intelligence gathering agency Research and Analysis Wing is in a fix as six of its senior officials have gone on leave after they were superseded by an IPS officer who came......
India's external intelligence gathering agency, Research and Analysis Wing, is in the news again but for wrong reasons as seven of its Additional Secretaries have gone on protest leave after they......
With a view to revamp the Research and Analysis Wing and meet its depleting cadre strength, the government has given a green signal to Indian Police Service officers to work in the external......
Ashok Chaturvedi, a 1970 batch Indian Police Service officer from Madhya Pradesh, has been promoted as special secretary and made second in command to P K Hormese Tharakan in the Research and......