Ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, 11 parties on Tuesday got together with a vow to defeat Congress-led United Progressive Alliances and prevent the Bharatiya Janata Party from coming to power by......
Top Left leaders on Tuesday met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in New Delhi and demanded steps to bring down soaring prices of essential commodities and universalisation of public distribution......
Describing the two-day nation-wide general strike as the biggest working class action since Independence, Left parties on Thursday warned the government that 'bigger actions' will follow if the......
In a bid to mount pressure on UPA government, allies Samajwadi Party and JD(S) will join Left parties, BJD and TDP for a nationwide "powerful" protest next Thursday to oppose the decision to allow......
Left parties were on Thursday divided on the Presidential election with the Communist Party of India-Marxist and Forward Bloc deciding to support United Progressive Alliance candidate Pranab......
Angry over the 'steep hike' in fuel prices, the United Progressive Alliance's Left allieson Wednesday demanded a review of the decision as it announced a week-long nationwide agitation to protest......
Sharp reactions met the government's decision to enforce the single-steepest hike in fuel prices on Wednesday, and it came under attack from its allies as well as opposition parties. The government......