Veteran Bengali filmmaker Gautam Ghose won the best director and screenplay award for his Abar Aranye while Marathi film Shwaas was adjudged the best feature film in the 51st National film Awards......
It's all about Vidya Balan these days. The actress is simply unstoppable what with one fabulous performance after another. The 34-year-old has plenty to celebrate. Her latest......
Through his films, National Award-winning director T V Chandran has handled many relevant social issues, like few others do. Chandran has also made some powerful female characters that Malayalam......
The International Film Festival India at Goa starts onNovember 23. As usual, there is a lot of excitement about the Indian filmsselected to be shown at the Indian Panorama. Here's a look at the......
Malayalam filmmaker Jayaraj, known for movies that revolve around the traditional Hindu lifestyle, beliefs and customs, has chosen new ground for his next film, Daivanamathil (In the name of......
At last, success has smiled on Ajith. His Diwali release Attahasam has been declared a hit, ending his long drought of hits. For Saran, the director, it has been two hits in quick succession. His......