The CBI arrested former National Stock Exchange CEO Chitra Ramkrishna in the co-location scam case on Sunday, officials said. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ Ramkrishna was arrested in......
The Central Bureau of Investigation has arrested former Group Operating Officer of National Stock Exchange Anand Subramanian after expanding its three-year probe into the co-location scam in the......
It is the biggest issue we have ever faced in the securities market, where a sensitive and systemically important institution and first-line regulator was not only exploited by unscrupulous......
SBI will auction two non-performing accounts (NPAs) next month to recover dues of over Rs 313 crore, according to a notice by the lender. The two accounts to be put up for e-auction on August 6......
The rot is is not limited to Chitra Ramkrishna and the yogi, observed Debashis Basu. IMAGE: Chitra Ramkrishna, the National Stock Exchange's former managing director, who was arrested on Monday,......