SBI will auction two non-performing accounts (NPAs) next month to recover dues of over Rs 313 crore, according to a notice by the lender. The two accounts to be put up for e-auction on August 6......
The CBI has arrested Sanjay Gupta, owner and promoter of Delhi based OPG Securities Pvt. Ltd, in connection with the NSE co-location scam in which brokers allegedly abused the facility to make......
Within a week of the CBI arresting senior bankers in the housing finance racket, the competition watchdog CCI on Monday said 11 real estate companies are already under its scanner. "I can only say......
The CBI on Friday questioned former CEO of National Stock Exchange Chitra Ramkrishna in the view of fresh facts emerging in connection with its ongoing probe into alleged abuse of co-location......
The CBI arrested former National Stock Exchange CEO Chitra Ramkrishna in the co-location scam case on Sunday, officials said. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ Ramkrishna was arrested in......