India's finance minister Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday said that though the exact impact of the drought on the Kharif crop would be known only when the harvesting begins, there is every......
The Mumbai International Auto Show has already set pulses racing, with a large range of breathtaking cars on display. The stream of car enthusiasts that throngs the expo is testimony to its......
Omi Vaidya, who infused hilarity in the big blockbuster, 3 Idiots, was amazed when he learnt that he would be under the supervision of filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar in his next film, Dil Toh Baccha......
The stars Contributing Photographer Pradeep Bandekar sighted over the weekend. Hrithik Roshan launches Alcoholia. The song is from his forthcoming film, Vikram Vedha, which is......
'We always think of retirement as a time to settle down, that it is the sunset of our lives.''Instead of calling it retirement, we must call it 're-tyre-ing', that is putting a new set of tyres and......
Metro Park 2 has the same cliched jokes, sighs Moumita Bhattacharjee. In the first season of Metro Park, we were introduced to some Gujaratis in New Jersey and the theme revolved around: You can......
Bollywood is irreverent. It enjoys parodying all Indian cultures, accents, clothing and traditions to make a joke. And quite a few have been cracked at South India's expense since forever. ......