Increasingly seen as the 'bellwether' for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the assembly election results will not only decide as to who will rule UP but show which way the wind is blowing ahead of the......
Veteran actor Manoj Kumar is determined to see his lawsuit against the makers of Om Shanti Om reachits logical closure.“I have filed civil and criminal cases against them," Kumar says.......
Cinema offers a great glimpse in time. Bollywood often looks at it as a source of inspiration to understand the trends and mood of an era in its attempt to recreate it. Quite a few films have......
The Happy New Year soundtrack has quite a few winners, says Joginder Tuteja/ One expects a blockbuster soundtrack from Happy New Year. After all, it's one of the biggest movie releases......
This December has a lot in common with the Diwali of 2007! Festival releases are an exciting time in Bollywood. Be it Eid, Diwali or Christmas, the occasion spells the year’s biggest films......