Om Prakash Rawat was on Sunday appointed the next chief election commissioner, the Union law ministry said, a day before the present incumbent Achal Kumar Joti demits charge. Former finance......
Rawat has a short tenure in his new role, but it is likely going to be an eventful one, reports Sahil Makkar. Before joining the Election Commission two years ago, Om Prakash Rawat was known as an......
Amid deepening schisms within the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in Haryana over poll ticket distribution, party leader Karan Dev Kamboj on Wednesday indicated that the rebellion could have been......
Om Prakash Rawat, a former Madhya Pradesh cadre Indian Administrative Services officer who till recently was Secretary at the Centre, was on Thursday appointed as the new Election Commissioner,......
Some of our leaders were busybusy over the weekend. IMAGE: Former chief election commissioner Om Prakash Rawat, left, takes the RSS salute with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Sarkaryavah......
Ramdev has defended the medicine saying it has nothing to do with the birth of a son or daughter Yoga guru Baba Ramdev may run into trouble in Uttarakhand after an inquiry by the state Director......
Tata Motorson Fridaygot a major relief when the Uttarakhand cabinet accepted the company's demand to lower the lease rent of the Pantnagar industrial plot from where the first Nano is expected to......
Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao hosted a grand Diwali party on October 19 at their Mumbai residence. Bollywood, in fact, has been having a series of Diwali parties this year, beginning with Arpita Khan......