In a riposte to former Bharatiya Janata Party chief Nitin Gadkari's recent overtures to Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray, the Shiv Sena on Friday decided to field its candidates in......
'People wondered aloud why she had given up on the aging, getting-day-by-day-more-infirm avatar. And was freshly blooming.''s Vaihayasi Pande Daniel reports from the Sheena Bora......
In an indication of its vexation with ally BJP, the Shiv Sena on Friday said it will contest 20 seats in electorally vital Uttar Pradesh, but the BJP downplayed it saying they share "strong and......
For the first time, two Indian-origin women have been elected to the House of Commons, setting a new record for representation of ethnic minorities in Britain. Conservative Priti Patel was declared......