Reliance Mutual Fund has recorded a total turnover of Rs 1,413 crore (Rs 14.13 billion) in gold ETF on Dhanteras, an auspicious occasion for gold buying as per Hindu tradition."Reliance Gold ETF......
Country's top two exchanges BSE and NSE recorded a total turnover of over Rs 2,200 crore (Rs 22 billion) in gold ETF on Dhanteras - an auspicious occasion for gold buying as per Hindu tradition -......
An ETF is a marketable security that tracks an index, a commodity, bond or a basket of assets like an index fund. In a sign of growing retail interest in exchange-traded funds, daily average......
Benchmark Assent Management Company, a Mumbai-based mutual fund house, has listed India's first gold exchange traded fund (EFT) Gold BeES on the National Stock Exchange on Monday. Listed at Rs 950......
'Like every Budget, this time, too, there is chatter around tinkering with the long-term capital gains tax.''Investors may not want to jump into the markets until there is clarity on this front.'......