The city police has registered a case against Shiv Sena workers for flouting Noise Pollution Control Rules during the party's Dusshera rally, held at Shivaji Park in Mumbai. "A case under Bombay......
The Bombay high court said on Wednesday that if the use of loudspeakers and sound systems beyond permissible noise levels was harmful during the Ganesh festival then it also has the same effect......
In the wake of the Aazan versus Hanuman Chalisa row in Karnataka, the state government has issued a set of directions on the use of loudspeakers and to remove them if they were not authorised by......
Urging the Uttar Pradesh government to ensure best facilities for Muslims during the holy month of Ramzan, the state minorities commission has claimed that the local authorities are forcibly......
The Bombay high court on Monday allowed Shiv Sena to hold its traditional Dussehra rally at Shivaji Park here on October 17. The court, however, said the party will have to follow noise pollution......
The Ministry of Environment and Forests is setting up a network for national-level monitoring and reporting of noise pollution. Based on the pattern of existing air and water networks, the setting......
The non-viability of green crackers may pave the way for e-crackers. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ T E Narasimhan explores the latest Supreme Court ruling on firecrackers and the......
The changeover to green crackers after extensive experiments marks a revival of the industry which has over 1,000 manufacturing units around Sivakasi and used to clock an annual turnover of......