Nissan India on Wednesday launched two variants of its top-selling hatchback Micra, the Active at a starting price of Rs 350,000 and the Sporty at Rs 479,000, in both petrol and diesel categories.......
Nissan Motor India has slashed the prices of its vehicles by up to 6 per cent from February 18 following a cut in the excise duty announced in the interim Budget. "The price reduction by Nissan is......
Japanese auto maker Nissan on Tuesday hiked prices of its mid-sized sedan Sunny and compact car Micra by up to 2.9 per cent from immediate effect, to partially offset the impact of rupee......
Japanese car major Nissan on Tuesday said will hike the prices of its vehicles, including hatchback Micra and sports utility vehicle Terrano in India, by up to 4 per cent from next month in order......
Nissan and Renault may finally decide to do away with the dual use policy of each vehicle platform after both companies have hit demand saturation resulting in heavy discounting and cannibalisation......