Bangladesh police on Saturday launched a massive hunt to nab the killers of secular blogger Niloy Chakrabarty Neel whose body bore around 14 hack wounds, four of which were on the neck. Police......
Two more members of an Al-Qaeda linked Islamist militant group in Bangladesh have been arrested in connection with the killing of a secular blogger who was brutally hacked to death in Dhaka in the......
Bangladesh police have asked secular bloggers not to “cross the limit” while writing on religious issues, even as authorities failed to make any headway in the brutal murder of a fourth......
A 28-year-old Bangladeshi law student who was critical of radical Islamists has been hacked to death by machete-wielding militants, the latest in a series of attacks on secular bloggers and......
Three suspected Al Qaeda-linked militants, including a British national who masterminded the recent brutal murders of two prominent secular bloggers, were today remanded to police custody for seven......