Actor Priyanka Chopra unveiled imaging maker Nikon India's latest Coolpix collection for Spring Summer 2012 on Wednesday in Mumbai. The Coolpix Spring Summer series offers a simple way to capture......
Nikon India, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nikon Corporation of Japan, has said that it will go for a price rise if the rupee depreciation will continue."Since we are importing all our products from......
Electronics major Samsung on Friday launched its 3G-powered Galaxy Camera in the country for Rs 29,900, which allows users to directly share pictures and videos on social networking sites. ".........
Gadgets have become essential carry-ons for travellers. They can be your saviours or give you company while you are out in the wild.Here are some that you can lug while on the go.This summer, when......
Adding another endorsement to her kitty, Priyanka Chopra has been signed on as the new brand ambassador for Nikon. The actress poses with a Nikon digital camera from the Coolpix Spring Collection......