Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Thursday attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party over the alleged kidnapping and murder of two Dalit girls in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur Kheri, saying women's security......
Uttar Pradesh's deputy chief ministers on Thursday assured strict action against the culprits in the rape and murder of two Dalit girls in UP's Lakhimpur Kheri and urged the opposition to......'s Sahim Salim visits UP's Lakhimpur Kheri district where an eleven-year old girl Sonam was found dead in a village police station last week. While the girl's family alleges foul play on......'s Sahim Salim visits UP's Lakhimpur Kheri district where an eleven-year old girl Sonam was found dead in a village police station last week. While the girl's family alleges foul play on......
Six men were arrested on Thursday in connection with the alleged rape and murder of two teenage Dalit sisters in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur Kheri, police said. The girls, aged 15 and 17, were found......