The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has asked fund houses operating smallcap funds with a large corpus to share data on their holdings in the total free float of smallcap stocks,......
Retail investors now own a larger share of smallcap companies than they did a year ago, thanks to their conviction in mutual fund (MF) schemes focused on this segment. Illustration: Uttam......
According to data from BSE, the 4,357 companies available for trade had a combined mcap of around Rs 416 trillion on Tuesday against India's GDP at current prices of Rs 296.6 trillion in FY24.......
'A fund investor could pick, say, three of the top active funds in any given category,' says Devangshu Datta.Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ How do you invest when the market is trading at......
It's best not to get carried away by returns or take a short-term view of the markets, says Bhavana Acharya.Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ 2017 turned out to be among the best years since......